Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Children

Each one with a story, a dream and the most unforgettable twinkle in the eye. These are some of the children I was honoured to cross paths with in Uganda. May they always know love, peace and laughter.

The following photos were taken during the last class I taught in Kiboga. The boys on the mats were the ones I most connected with at the school during my time there. Some of the funding money was used to pay for Innocent's (far right) school fees for the year. Their beauty and strength was an incredible lesson as was their desire to grow and inspire. You'll notice in the pictures that more and more children from the village began to make their way to the field, the smaller ones loved to join in and follow; always bringing with them a trail of giggles and wide smiles.

Opening the Heart....

Yoga in Kiboga